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Chalkboard Drawings
a place for all to shine and grow!


A B O U T   O U R   S C H O O L

First United Methodist Cooperative Nursery (FUMCN) is a Reggio-inspired preschool that offers flexible scheduling for parents who want to be involved in their child’s education. We provide three strands of offerings: morning and afternoon programming for 3-5 year olds (Preschool), morning programming for 2 year olds (Twos), and a parent playgroup for children 18 months to 3 years (Parent Playgroup).  In addition, we offer Sibling Care for assist parents of children in the Preschool program..  Each service is priced separately, but all are under the FUMCN umbrella.


some distinctive benefits include:

  • Great Start to Quality Star-Rated Center (Learn more HERE!)

  • Multi-Age Classes for 3, 4 and 5 year olds

  • Experienced lead teacher, homeroom teachers, assistant teacher, and caregiver volunteers working with preschoolers each day

  • Children welcomed to flexibly explore 4 large and intentionally designed classrooms

  • Teaching team with diverse skill set and deep FUMCN and community roots

  • Full-day option on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 

  • Scheduling flexibility

  • Flexible drop-off and pick-up windows

  • Reggio-inspired, play-based, and place-based learning environment

  • Sibling Care nursery for younger siblings when assisting in the classroom during scheduled times.

  • Historic church building in downtown Ann Arbor, bordering the University of Michigan and providing numerous walking field trip opportunities

  • A diverse community of families

FUMCN recognizes and embraces all families. We do not discriminate based on religion, ability, race, ethnicity, nationality, family orientation, sex, or sexual orientation. All are welcome.

E X P L O R E   T H E   P A G E S   B E L O W

T O   L E A R N   M O R E !

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First United Methodist Cooperative Nursery   


120 S. State Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104  |  734.662.7660

FUMCN recognizes and embraces all families. We do not discriminate based on religion, ability, race, ethnicity, nationality, family orientation, sex, or sexual orientation. All are welcome.

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