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a place for all to shine and grow!


six steps to enroll at fumcn:

1. Fill out your free application on Jovial.
2. Sign Enrollment Contract acknowledging family responsibilities. This will also trigger your registration fee ($100 Preschool, $50 Twos, $25 Playgroup).
3. Sign all membership forms
4. Each child must have an up to date health appraisal prior to the start of school.
5. Complete fingerprinting and background check. This must be done prior to your first assist shift. (Preschool only)
6. Complete mandatory health and safety training (Preschool only)
For general inquiries regarding enrollment and membership, please email

FUMCN recognizes and embraces all families. We do not discriminate based on religion, ability, race, ethnicity, nationality, family orientation, sex, or sexual orientation. All are welcome.

We welcome the opportunity to discuss how FUMCN can meet the needs of your child with differing abilities!
1. Complete your free application
Our application is LIVE for new and returning families!
Click the link below to be taken to our free, web-based application via Jovial.
Children are accepted on a first come, first served basis after our Open Houses. Please refer to the timeline below for specific enrollment dates and deadlines. If a space is not currently available on a day you have requested, you may choose to be put on a waiting list for that particular day.
For questions regarding the application process, please email membership@fumcnpreschool.org
Upon notification of admission, you must then submit a non-refundable registration fee ($100 Preschool, $50 Twos, $25 Playgroup) and sign our Enrollment Contract within two weeks to reserve your space at FUMCN.
A full membership registration packet will be sent to you in May.
2. Sign Enrollment Contract

2025-2026 Enrollment Dates
JANUARY 1, 2025:
FUMCN begins accepting applications for new and returning families.
Children are accepted to FUMCN according to the following priority system upon receipt of an application on or before the last day of Open House:
Returning preschoolers
Students in the Twos and Family Playgroup
Children of First United Methodist Church of Ann Arbor (FUMC of AA) members
Children of FUMCN alumni families
Children regularly attending FUMC of AA programs, but not necessarily members of FUMC of AA.
All others of non-priority nature up to and including the open house will be accepted based upon a lottery system.
If applications are received from multiples and the first one is accepted, the other(s) must also be accepted.
After the open house, children will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.
FEBRUARY 1, 2025:
First Open House from 10:00-Noon.
FEBRUARY 6, 2025:
Second Open House from 1:00-3:00 PM.
Last day for Priority Enrollment.
Class Placement Lotteries: If the number of new-family applications exceeds the number of remaining seats after priority enrollment for a specific class session, then a lottery will be held among all new family applications received to date. Lotteries are also used to create numbered waitlists for applicants who did not receive a spot in the lottery for that class session. Applicants will be immediately informed of application status.
Open Classes: Children are accepted on a first come-first served basis into classes with availability after our priority enrollment and class placement lotteries.
Full Classes: For classes that are full, applicants will be added to the respective waitlists in the order the applications are received.
* Applicants have one week upon notification of admission to submit a non-refundable registration fee ($100 Preschool, $50 Twos, $25 Playgroup) and sign our Membership Agreement to reserve a space at FUMCN.