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a place for all to shine and grow!


P R E S C H O O L   A S S I S T   R O L E S   
+  R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S

In our cooperative preschool, parents of children attending our morning classes are assigned to help in our classrooms on a rotating basis. This involvement helps to keep our curriculum fresh and our tuition affordable. *Caregiver assisting is required.


FUMCN is grateful for parent involvement.  Assisting is a great way to:

. . . be part of your child’s first formal learning experience

. . . see your child interact with peers and other adults

. . . generate new ideas about educational activities to do at home

. . . keep preschool costs affordable

. . . meet other families with 3/4/5 year olds from the Ann Arbor area

benefits of assisting

assist routines

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One parent, guardian, or other caregiver from each family can expect to assist two-four times per month, on average. Assist caregivers and teachers will touch base at the start of each class to discuss the day’s play-based activities and answer any questions. Additionally, one person will be an emergency assist, or "e-assist", in case of a last minute need on the day of an assist. The "e-assist"
person for each morning class will be responsible for bringing in a fresh fruit or vegetable.

assist scheduling

Assist schedule assignments are set once every couple months. You will be asked for your availability before the master schedule is generated. You may state when you can and cannot assist, and then the scheduler will do their best to accommodate you. 

Our scheduling program makes it easy to check your assist schedule online or request swaps! Please note, you will only be scheduled to assist on the days that your child attends the program.

additional responsibilities

A member of each family will select preferences for and be assigned to a TEAM. Time commitment and availability, skill sets, experience, and interests are all factors we consider when assigning TEAM responsibilities.

Please contact

if you have any concerns or questions about the assist process or parent commitment.

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First United Methodist Cooperative Nursery   


120 S. State Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104  |  734.662.7660

FUMCN recognizes and embraces all families. We do not discriminate based on religion, ability, race, ethnicity, nationality, family orientation, sex, or sexual orientation. All are welcome.

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