a place for all to shine and grow!

N U T R I T I O N + A L L E R G I E S
At FUMCN, we value good nutrition and healthy eating. We try to provide snacks with minimal added sugar or processing.
For Preschoolers: The emergency assist parent for each morning class will be responsible for bringing in a fresh fruit or vegetable for the morning class that day. An approved snack list is provided. A grain snack will be provided by FUMCN for both morning and afternoon classes.
For Twos: A snack that meets the dietary and allergy requirements of the class is provided by FUMCN.
For Parent Playgroup: A signup form is utilized for parents to select a day to bring a snack for the group. Dietary restrictions and allergy information will be provided.
Children attending M/W/F extended day classes will bring a nut-free packed lunch from home.
FUMCN is a NUT FREE environment.
We partner with families on an individual basis to ensure that the needs of each child are fully understood and the safety of each child is maintained.
Emergency Allergy Action Plans for each child are posted in our A and R Rooms (where all food is consumed and medication is safely stored) and are communicated with all adults interacting with the children.
As much as possible, FUMCN will strive to tailor the snack list to allow all children, regardless of allergies or dietary restrictions, to participate in snack without any restrictions.
More information can be found in our Handbook which is located on the "Policies + Handbook" page. We encourage you to contact us to discuss your child's needs should you have any further questions.